Sunday, December 29, 2019

Theseus and Hippolyta

Theseus and Hippolyta appear in Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream, but who are they? Find out in our character analysis. Theseus, Duke of Athens Theseus is presented as a fair and well-liked leader. He is in love with Hippolyta and is excited to marry her. However, he does agree to enforce the law where Hermia is concerned and agrees with Egeus her father that she should obey his wishes or face death. â€Å"To you your father should be a god† (Act 1 Scene 1, Line 47). This reinforces the idea that the men are in control and make the decisions, however, he does give her a chance to consider her options: THESEUSEither to die the death or to abjureFor ever the society of men.Therefore, fair Hermia, question your desires;Know of your youth, examine well your blood,Whether, if you yield not to your fathers choice,You can endure the livery of a nun,For aye to be in shady cloister mewd,To live a barren sister all your life,Chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon.Thrice-blessed they that master so their blood,To undergo such maiden pilgrimage;But earthlier happy is the rose distilld,Than that which withering on the virgin thornGrows, lives and dies in single blessedness.(Act 1 Scene 1) In giving Hermia time, Theseus allows fate and unknowingly the fairies to intervene in order that Hermia gets her way and can marry Lysander. At the end of the play, he urges Egeus to listen to the lovers story before acting and demonstrates his even hand in this. Theseus shows he is fair and patient again at his nuptials when Egeus warns him of the mechanical’s play No, my noble lord;It is not for you: I have heard it over,And it is nothing, nothing in the world;Unless you can find sport in their intents,Extremely stretchd and connd with cruel pain,To do you service.(Act 5 Scene 1, Line 77) Theseus demonstrates his sense of humor and graciousness when he welcomes Bottom and his friends to show their play. He urges the nobles to take the play for what it is and see the humor in its awfulness: The kinder we, to give them thanks for nothing.Our sport shall be to take what they mistake:And what poor duty cannot do, noble respectTakes it in might, not merit.Where I have come, great clerks have purposedTo greet me with premeditated welcomes;Where I have seen them shiver and look pale,Make periods in the midst of sentences,Throttle their practised accent in their fearsAnd in conclusion dumbly have broke off,Not paying me a welcome. Trust me, sweet,Out of this silence yet I pickd a welcome;And in the modesty of fearful dutyI read as much as from the rattling tongueOf saucy and audacious eloquence.Love, therefore, and tongue-tied simplicityIn least speak most, to my capacity.(Act 5 Scene 1, Line 89-90). Theseus goes on to make funny comments throughout the play and revels in its ineptitude demonstrating his fairness and sense of humor. Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons Betrothed to Theseus, Hippolyta is very much in love with her husband to be and is very much looking forward to their imminent wedding. â€Å"Four days will quickly steep themselves in night, Four nights will quickly dream away the time; And then the moon, like to a silver bow New bent in heaven, shall behold the night of our solemnities† (Act 1 Scene 1, Line 7-11). She, like her husband, is fair and allows Bottom’s play to go ahead despite being warned of its inappropriate nature. She warms to the mechanicals and is entertained by them, joking along with Theseus about the play and its characters â€Å"Methinks she should not use a long one for such a Pyramus. I hope she will be brief†. (Act 5 Scene 1, Line 311-312). This demonstrates Hippolyta’s good qualities as a leader and shows her to be a good match for Theseus.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Pro Versus Con Argumentative Article Essay - 1347 Words

In America we currently have tax placed on our gas. However, with new changes in the automotive industry, there have been ideas of changing the tax to a tax based on miles travelled rather than gas. Mr. Earl Blumenauer and Mr. Phil Byrd both expressed their strong views on the topic in a pro versus con argumentative article. Blumenauer and Byrd both built up their credibility by using strong sources, including facts and statistics, and appealing to the readers’ emotions; however towards the end of the article both sides had a slight flaw which weakened their credibility. When analyzing both viewpoints of the topic, the credibility of the sources and appeals to ethos in the article are very important. The pro side of the article was written by Earl Blumenauer, a sponsor for the Road Usage Fee Pilot Program Act. After looking further into his profession, he works as a congressman for Oregon. Since he is only a sponsor for the program, there are unanswered questions as to if he is knowledgeable enough on the subject of these types of taxes. After further reading you learn that he actually used his job as a representative to introduce the Pilot Programming Act to congress. The program is taking place in Oregon, where they are beginning projects in hope of switching over to a tax on miles travelled rather than gas. Whereas, the con side was written by Phil Byrd, the chairman for the American Trucking Association and the president of Bulldog Hiway Express. He seems like the moreShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal Essay2884 Words   |  12 P agesThroughout the United States an argumentative topic is the death penalty - should it be legalized across the 50 states or be declared unconstitutional? Some believe the death penalty is a better option for those who deserve the highest form of punishment available. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

She Walks in Beauty Free Essays

George Gordon Byron was a well known romantic poet in the 19th century, a passionate womanizer as well as a hero in Greece. He was born in London in 1788, and became a Lord in 1798 when he inherited the title and the estate from his great-uncle (Gamber). Thus he became the well known Lord Byron. We will write a custom essay sample on She Walks in Beauty or any similar topic only for you Order Now Several months before meeting his first wife, Lord Byron attended a party at Lady Sitwell’s at June 1814 (Gamber). Mrs. Wilmot, Lord Byron’s beautiful cousin, attended the party in a black mourning dress. The poet became captivated by his cousin’s alluring beauty; her fair face contrasting with her dark hair and dress. Inspired by the opposing shades that created such an attractive woman, he wrote a poem about her in 1814 (Gamber). In Lord Byron’s â€Å"She Walks in Beauty,† motifs, personification and imagery express the theme that the combining of light and dark reflect a perfect inner and outer beauty. Lord Byron connects two pairs of motifs in â€Å"She Walks in Beauty† to establish the theme. One motif is dark and light while the other is inner and outer beauty. Throughout the poem he combines the negative and positive things of a woman and creates a perfect whole (â€Å"Lord†). â€Å"She walks in beauty, like the night/ Of cloudless climes and starry skies;†(1-2) These first two lines combine night with stars to illustrate that without stars the night would be a black void, but together, they illustrate a shimmering sky. â€Å"And all that’s best of dark and bright/ Meet in her aspect and her eyes:/ Thus mellow’d to that tender light†(3-5) Here two opposing forces meet in this woman to create a mellowed whole (â€Å"She†). This ties back to the theme because the inner and outer beauty of the woman act as positive reflections of each other as the outcome of the balance in between dark and light. â€Å"The smiles that win, the tints that glow. † (15) The woman has a tender aspect and a glowing smile, both of which are attractive outer beauties. â€Å"A mind at peace with all below,/ A heart whose love is innocent! † (17-18) Byron describes her as having a peaceful mind and virtuous heart, meaning her conscience is also perfect. The woman’s entire being is perfect because of the proportion between the dark and light meeting in her (â€Å"Analysis†). Byron states that if she had â€Å"One shade the more, one ray the less,† (7) she would be half as splendid. Together good and bad become tender, and both the body and soul of this woman reflect this tenderness. Personification creates a romantic image of the woman’s physical and mental figure to accent the effects of the bond of dark and light. Byron uses this to emphasize that the woman is only so beautiful because of this bond, as said in the theme. Byron first personifies Heaven by giving it the attribute to deny something. â€Å"Thus mellow’d to that tender light/Which heaven to gaudy day denies. (5-6) The personification of heaven shows that her beauty has a â€Å"tender light† that is unlike daytime —which is flashy—but so tender that heaven denies daytime the honor of having (â€Å"She†). This connects to the theme because the woman is only tender because light and bright meet in her. Byron then personifies her thoughts by giv ing them the ability to express to show how gentle the woman is (Cummings). â€Å"Where thoughts serenely sweet express†(11) The following line states that her thought’s home is pure and dear. â€Å"How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. (12) Since thoughts are not physical and cannot have a literal â€Å"dwelling-place† Byron uses personification to stress her virtuousness (Cummings). This can be tied to the theme because the previous lines implement the balance of shades and rays which are followed by the personification of her pure mind. Her pure mind is something inside her that cannot be seen; it is an inner beauty. â€Å"The smiles that win, the tints that glow,/But tell of days in goodness spent,† (15-16) Her smiles win over people’s hearts but reflect good morality. Smiles cannot speak, so Byron personifies them with the ability to â€Å"tell† of how good the woman is. A smile is an outer beauty, a mind is an inner beauty, and this connects with the theme regarding the fact that her inner and outer beauty are in a perfect pair. Lord Byron captures the radical difference of illumination and shade with imagery. He also describes the woman’s appearance with this literary device. In the first line, Byron creates an obscure vision for the reader. â€Å"She walks in beauty, like the night. †(1) Night is black and somber, and this line is used to make the feel reader insecure and unsure. However, in the next line, Byron introduces the radiance of stars, which perfects the image of the woman’s likeness to the night (â€Å"She†). â€Å"Of cloudless climes and starry skies;†(2) Without the introduction of stars into the black night, the woman would be incomplete. This ties back to the theme because the woman’s beauty is complete because she is not only obscure but also radiant. Byron uses imagery to describe the woman’s fair skin in contrast with her raven colored hair to visually show how beautiful dark and light can be together. â€Å"One shade the more, one ray the less,/Had half impair’d the nameless grace/ Which waves in ever raven ress/Or softly lightens o’er her face;† (7-10) He states that if anything changed, if the woman had more light or more darkness in her, she wouldn’t be as splendid. This stresses the theme in the sense that the woman has the perfect amount of each contrasting force (â€Å"Analysis†). In the last stanza Byron positively uses imagery to illustrate the woman’s face. â€Å"And so on that cheek, and o’er that brow,/So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,† (13-14) The woman’s face is not only delicate but also dazzling. Byron finalizes all the sums of dark and bright to finally show the overall product—A beautiful woman, in and out. Through motifs, personification and imagery, Lord Byron establishes that with the combination of light and dark, a woman attains a perfect inner and outer beauty. The two motifs in his poem are dark and light as well as inner and outer beauty. Byron uses personification to develop the woman’s physical and mental attributes. Imagery is used as a visual aid for the readers to imagine the woman’s beauty. Throughout the poem he stresses that the good and bad things of a woman is what makes her perfect. The woman’s beauty is a reflection of her pure ways, which only exist because of the balance of light and dark in her. How to cite She Walks in Beauty, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Healing Hospital

Question: Describe the components of a healing hospital and their relationship to spirituality. What are the challenges of creating a healing environment in light of the barriers and complexities of the hospital environment? Answer: Healing hospital seeks to serve as a complementary force to modern medical practices which seeks to restore the equilibrium in the current healthcare system which is unbalanced (Chapman, 2003). This is possible since it aims to aim for not only mental and physical well-being but aims for a holistic well-being that includes spiritual and social well-being as well. According to Eberst (2008), the various components of healing hospital are as follows. Physical environment that is healing Work design and technology integration Culture driven by radical love and care A healing physical environment tends to focus not only on the patients but also on the family members and other supporters. This would typically include besides others addressing issues such as noise level and providing aesthetics which ensures well-being in the wider sense and thereby including the emotional and spiritual components. The work design and technology need to be integrated in a manner so that it assists in the overall healing by minimising any inconvenience caused to the patients and supporters. The design component is particularly visible in case of critical assets such as elevators and also critical departments where there may be most frequent correspondence. While technology on one hand ensuring convenience, the underlying culture on the other is driven by radical love and care which tends to aid in spiritual healing. This radical love and care is not aimed at providing comfort on an emotional level and not only focus on eradication of disease. Such a hospital is clo sely related to spirituality as it ensures harmonious relationship between the mind and the body by widening the dimension of care to include spiritual wellbeing by providing requisite counselling and knowledge to patients in such matters (Eberst, 2008). Even though healing hospitals can potentially lead to better patient outcomes along with higher employee satisfaction, but still there are certain challenges in the creation of such a healing environment. One of the challenges is the technological advancement which is interfering with the established circle of life. With these innovations, it is claimed that the process of aging can be controlled and hence apparent suffering can be removed. This belief creates an issue as the patient and staff both do not cater to the spiritual needs and focuses on the physical needs (Aldridge, 2000). Another major impediment is the profit making tendency on the part of the hospital and staff due to which emphasis is put on providing those services that can be monetised and providing infrastructure that can be used for making money. The focus therefore is given on various magic drugs and complex procedures rather than concepts like spiritual healing (Chapman, 2003). Yet another potential issue which is challenging is the bureaucracy existing in the hospital whereby the staff is preoccupied with a plethora of tasks and thus not able to provide the love and care that leads to the creation of a healing environment. Besides, it is also imperative that the staff must be adequately trained not only in medicine but also with regards to emotional and spiritual healing as this is a key differentiating factor of such establishments (McCall, 2003). Lastly, the issue of poor leadership and cynicism can also be a challenge in the creation of a healing environment. This can especially be the case when the physician and other staff tend to view as patients not as holistic beings but as a group of organs and tend to focus exclusively on the malfunctioning organ. It is imperative that while physical treatment is limited to the dysfunctional organ but emotional, mental and spiritual needs are always present (Chapman, 2003). It is imperative that the above challen ges be overcome so as to put in practice the true healing environment desired from a healing hospital. References Aldridge, D. (2000). Healing and Medicine: Return to the silence. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London Chapman, E. (2003). Radical Loving Care: Building the Healing Hospital in America. Baptist Healing Hospital Trust: Nashville, Tennessee Eberst, L. (2008), Healing Hospital, Retrieved from Best Companies Website on July 25, 2016 McCall, B.J. (2004). Bereavement and Counseling: Pastoral Care for Complicated Grieving. Routledge: London