Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Difference Between Price And Demand - 781 Words

â€Å"Research has shown that variability reduces consumers’ sensitivity to price and non-price attribute differences between brands† as explained by (Bass, Haruvy, Prasad, 2006) How much a firm in an oligopoly market can vary this price or differentiate a product will affect demand for the whole market. The standard mantra of the inverse relationship between price and demand might not always hold true in these settings. Most firms understand that if they start to compete directly with another, there will be reactionary measures by the opposing firm or firms. If a grocer in a small town begins to offer sales on a particular day of the week, the competing two or three other stores will follow suit and do the same. If one kicks off a massive advertising campaign, the others will also do likewise. Specific product pricing depends on whether one is the dominant firm, or a smaller supplier. These smaller firms generally must react to the dominant firm’s market moves in order to keep prices relevant. A major company must in turn keep tabs on which smaller competing companies are at the table in order to properly determine total demand, reduce their output by other small players’ market shares, and then maximize profit according to the conventional rules of marginal cost and revenue. In addition to these factors, one must keep in mind any small niche a firm may hold simply by product differentiation, and find ways one can trigger competition through advertising and pricingShow MoreRelatedDifference Between Aggregate Demand And The Price Level1747 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is Aggregate Demand? Aggregate demand is the total amount that all consumers, businesses, government agencies, and foreigners spend on final goods and services. 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